Fundamentals of Personal Security

Fundamentals of Personal Security is a thorough overview of the skills and responsibilities required of security staff and officers.

Fundamentals of Personal Security is a thorough overview of the skills and responsibilities required of security staff. Various aspects of the job are addressed in detail, including basic patrol procedures, legal considerations, use of force, communication and report-writing skills, basic first aid, and more. **This course does not provide training for the 40-hour Class D Security course and does not count towards that goal.

You will learn:

  • Skills and Responsibilities required of security staff
  • Fundamentals of personal security
  • Various issues faced by Security Officers

  • Your Instructor

    Mike Hickman
    Mike Hickman

    Mike is the president and owner of Securus Group. In 2008, Mike formed Securus Group to establish a higher standard of professionalism in the security and security training industries. Mike served Honorably in the United States Army Infantry and is a decorated combat veteran of Operation Just Cause (Panama) and Operation Desert Shield/Storm (Iraq). Mike has extensive training as a police officer with federal and local agencies and personally oversees all strategic planning, consulting, and security assignments.

    Mike is a graduate of the University of North Florida with degrees in Psychology and Criminal Justice and has a 20+ year background in the development and implementation of security strategies and operations. He has received extensive training in the areas of guard force management, policing in a rural environment, police department operations, emergency management, executive protection, workplace violence, criminal justice, and small business leadership/management.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When does the course start and finish?
    The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
    How long do I have access to the course?
    How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
    Is there a Certificate of Completion issued?
    Yes! Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to download your Certificate of Completion! For an additional $10, you can receive a hard copy in the mail.
    Will this online course count towards my 40-hour Class D Unarmed Security Course?
    No, this course is a supplemental learning course designed to build on the security knowledge you already have.

    Get started now!